Hands folded over model house to represent caring for your Dallas roofing

How to Take Great Care of Your Dallas Roof This Year

With a new year in full swing, many of us are making resolutions to better ourselves by setting goals and working toward success in a number of ways. While you’re busy trying to get in shape, quit a bad habit, or complete a project that’s gone unfinished, you should also consider making resolutions for your home as well. One of the best ways to ensure your property is in great condition and well-protected is to take care of your roof. Our Dallas roofer has the following tips for taking great care of this important structure all year long.

Dallas Roof Damage Common to Each Season

If you want your Dallas roofing to remain in great shape all year long, you need to know what types of Dallas roof damage are common to each season. Should your property sustain this type of damage, you may need Dallas roof repairs or even a Dallas roof replacement:

  • Winter Dallas Roof Damage: In the winter, the most common threat to your Dallas/Fort Worth roofing comes from ice and snow accumulation, which prevent additional precipitation from draining and also puts excess pressure on your roof’s surface. 
  • Spring Dallas Roof Damage: The greatest threat for spring DFW roof damage comes from hail, which is known to leave irreparable divotsdall in your shingles, leading to the need for a Dallas roof replacement.
  • Summer Dallas Roof Damage: Extreme heat and heavy rain from summer downpours can cause the type of roof damage that may require Dallas roof repairs or a full Dallas roof replacement.
  • Autumn Dallas Roof Damage: Autumn is known for its windy cold fronts and falling leaves, both of which can wreak havoc on your Dallas roofing. Wind can damage your shingles or remove them altogether, while leaves can clog your gutters and prevent rain from properly draining from your roof’s surface.

Tips for Keeping Your Dallas Roofing in Great Shape All Year

Your Dallas roofing is the most important protective structure on your home, which is why our Dallas Fort Worth roofer has assembled these tips for taking great care of it.

Tip 1: Schedule Regular Dallas Roof Inspections

We recommend scheduling a professional Dallas roof inspection every six months in order to identify Dallas roof damage that warrants your attention. Sometimes damage is found that requires a complete Dallas roof replacement, in which case, we can guide you through the process.

Tip 2: Clean your Gutters

Clogged gutters are remarkably harmful to your Dallas roofing. When rainwater cannot be properly diverted from your roof, it pools on your shingles and settles into low spots. When this occurs, it weakens your shingles and can cause sagging, both of which can cause irreparable DFW roof damage.

Tip 3: Trim Low Branches

A common cause of Dallas Fort Worth roof damage comes from branches that break off in strong winds and crash to the roofing structure below. If you have any overhanging branches, now is the time to have them trimmed in order to protect your roof and, in turn, your home from damage.

Tip 4: Keep Shingles Clean

Sometimes moss and algae can grow on the surface of your shingles, which is more than just an unsightly problem. Over time, moss and algae can weaken the integrity of your shingles, often requiring a Dallas roof replacement. You can clean your shingles using a special solution that can be found at most hardware stores. Do take care not to scrub or it could remove granules from your shingles, which are designed to protect your Dallas roofing.

Upright Roofing Taking Care of Others with Quality Roofing Services

When you need the assistance of a professional Dallas roofer, look no further than our Upright team! We’re rooted in integrity and passion, which means you can trust us for all your Dallas roofing needs. Call us to schedule a Dallas roof inspection, which will allow us to identify and address any Dallas roof damage. We’d be honored to assist in keeping your home protected and safe.


Upright Roofing and Construction is proud to be your trusted contractor for commercial and residential roofing services, as well as residential exterior services. We’ve got you covered, from a Dallas roof repair to a roof replacement, and everything in between. We look forward to taking care of you and your roofing needs.



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